Universal Interdisciplinary Cultural Research & Development Structuring NATURAL HUMAN DIGNITY
Integrating the Great Ancient Cultures of the World by the | |
![]() UNIVERSITY GUIDE THE COSMIC EDUCATION PROGRAM Authentically Gaining Academic Knowledge - scientific • objective • outcome orientated - “For what you can measure, that does exist.” Max Planck Scientific Application of the Cosmic Harmony Laws of the Microcosm of Music Authentically Structured with the Wisdom and according to the Demands of the Great Thinkers of the World
The Academic Prelude |
from the 5th state of consciousness on – cosmic consciousness |
“For enlightenment nothing is needed but freedom,
namely the most harmless amongst all what may be called freedom, namely this one: to make public use of one’s reason in all aspects.” Kant
The Academic Mission |
through the scientific study of the 21 states of consciousness |
“The actual study
of mankind is man.” Goethe
through the scientific application of the 21 states of consciousness |
“The development of all seeds, however,
which lie in the individual disposition of a human life, I consider to be the true purpose of the existence on earth.” W. v. Humboldt
from the 15th state of consciousness on |
“The ethically highest and the greatest good
is the peace of the soul.” Aristotle
1st RULE: The appropriate academic focus: |
from the fourth state of consciousness on |
“The sciences should contribute everything,
which forces the soul to turn towards where the most blissful of all being is found, which it absolutely must behold.” Plato
2nd RULE: The appropriate technology of authentically gaining knowledge: |
from the 7th state of consciousness on |
“There is an eye of the soul.
With It alone you can see the truth.” Plato
3rd RULE: The appropriate academic limits: |
through the scientific study of the 21 states of consciousness |
“The sciences should only be taught inasmuch as
they contribute to aligning the soul with the higher existence, with the eternally true ideas. Only when they do this, they should be taught.” Plato
4th RULE: The appropriate academic teaching and learning technology: |
from the 4th state of consciousness on |
“Learning consists of
remembering information, which lives in the soul of man already since generations.” Socrates
5th RULE: The appropriate academic freedom: |
from the 8th state of consciousness on |
Progressing is in the world of art as in the mighty creation the purpose. There is no rule in art that could not be superseded by a higher one. Continue to further reveal the higher and true field of art and to transfer yourself further and further up into art's heaven! There is no more undisturbed more unmixed, purer joy than that which arises from there. That which we acquire from art is from God, divine inspiration, which sets human abilities a target that he achieves. Continue, do not practice art alone, but also penetrate its interior, which it deserves, as only art and science elevate man up to divinity!” Ludwig van Beethoven
6th RULE: The appropriate academic means of education: |
scientific application of the harmony laws of the microcosm of music in medicine and education |
“Music has a more powerful potential to educate
than any other educational medium, because harmony and rhythm of naturally structured music find their way into the deepest depths of the soul and unfold its natural beauty and dignity.” Socrates
scientific application of the harmony laws of the microcosm of music in medicine and education |
“Music expresses the inner essence, the ‘as-such’ of the world
in a most general language, namely in mere tones: but it does this with greatest precision and truth. The composer reveals the innermost essence of the world and expresses the deepest wisdom.” “Just for this reason the effect of music is so much more mighty and vivid than the effect of the other arts: for they only talk about the shadow, but music about the essence.” Schopenhauer
from the 15th state of consciousness on |
“The archetype of harmony
is the highest subject of teaching, only by which the just and the other values become prosperous.” Plato
from the 15th state of consciousness on |
“Do not violate the laws of harmony!”
from the 15th state of consciousness on |
„Die Pflege der Musik –
das ist die Ausbildung der inneren Harmonie.“ Konfucius
from the 7th state of consciousness on |
“You need rhythm of the mind,
for grasping music in its essence, it provides an idea, inspiration of heavenly sciences, and what the mind sensuously feels of it, is the embodiment of mental cognition. Although the mental forces live on it, as you live on air, it is still something different to comprehend it with the mind; - the more, however, the soul draws its sensuous food from it, the riper the mind gets for a happy consent with it. - But few achieve this.” Beethoven
from the 15th state of consciousness on |
“Music gives the mind
the relation to harmony.” Beethoven
7th RULE: The appropriate academic competence: |
within the first three of 21 verifiable states of consciousness |
“The man
who has no music in himself nor is not moved with the concord of sweet sounds is fit for treason, stratagems and spoils: the motions of his spirit are dull as night and his affections dark as Erebus. Let no such man be trusted.” Shakespeare
8th RULE: The appropriate academic path: |
through the scientific application of the harmony laws of the microcosm of music in medicine and education |
“Music is the only
unembodied access to a higher world of knowledge.” Beethoven
from the 8th state of consciousness on |
“What really counts is intuition.”
Albert Einstein
from the 7th state of consciousness on |
“Inspiration is more important than knowledge,
because knowledge is limited.” Albert Einstein
between the 7th and 8th state of consciousness |
“On the path to discovery, the intellect has little to do.
There is a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or whatever you like, and the solution comes to you, and you do not know how and why.” Albert Einstein
9th RULE: The appropriate academic order: |
from the 15th state of consciousness on |
“Because no law and no order
stands higher than knowledge and insight, and it is not permissible, that reason shall stand in subordination and dependence to anything, rather it deserves the reign over everything, if it is really true and free according to its nature.” Plato
from the 15th state of consciousness on |
“The thinking of the future
has to make wars impossible.” Albert Einstein
10th RULE: The appropriate academic quality: |
scientific application of the harmony laws of the microcosm of music in medicine and education |
“The really important things
are learned in a different way than through words.” Albert Einstein
from the 8th state of consciousness on |
“See, I have now completed the work,
to which I bear witness. I have used all the forces of my mind for it, which You have given to me. I have revealed the glory of Your works to the people, who will read my elaborations, to that extent of their infinite abundance, which my narrow understanding has been able to grasp. Now, that after eighteen months ago the first morning light, three months ago the bright day, but only few days ago the full sun of a most marvellous vision has risen, nothing holds me back. Yes, I leave myself to holy mania. Jeeringly I resist the mortals with the open confession: I robbed the Egyptians of their golden vessels to furnish my God a holy hut with them, far away from the borders of Egypt. If you forgive me, I am happy. If you are angry on me, I bear it. Alright, I throw the dice and write a book for the present or posterity. It is all the same to me. It may wait for its reader a hundred years, after all, also God had waited six thousand years for the viewer.” Johannes Kepler
on his book “Weltharmonik” (principles of world harmony)
from the 16th state of consciousness on – God consciousness & creativity |
“To practice astronomy means
to read the thoughts of God.” Johannes Kepler
from the 8th state of consciousness on / creative unity consciousness |
“Do not talk without light!”
let us remember – the academic mission is: |
from the 15th state of consciousness on |
“The ethically highest and the greatest good
is the peace of the soul.” Aristotle
through the scientific study of the 21 states of consciousness |
“The actual study
of mankind is man.” Goethe
through the scientific application of the 21 states of consciousness |
“The development of all seeds, however,
which lie in the individual disposition of a human life, I consider to be the true purpose of the existence on earth.” W. v. Humboldt
11th RULE: The appropriate phase transition from old thinking to new thinking: |
“A new kind of thinking is necessary,
if mankind wants to live on.” Albert Einstein
The academic basis for the appropriate academic application of music in education: |
from the 7th state of consciousness on |
cuts man off things, not-hearing cuts man off man.” Immanuel Kant
The new principles of education – let us remember: |
from the 8th state of consciousness on |
“Imagination is more important than knowledge.”
Albert Einstein
from the 8th state of consciousness on |
“Inspiration is more important than knowledge,
because knowledge is limited.” Albert Einstein
from the 8th state of consciousness on |
“What really counts is intuition.”
Albert Einstein
between the 7th and 8th state of consciousness |
“There is a leap in consciousness,
call it intuition or whatever you like, and the solution comes to you, and you do not know how and why.” Albert Einstein
Cognition through intuition – results of the authentic academic education method |
from the 8th state of consciousness on |
“See, I have now completed the work,
to which I bear witness. I have used all the forces of my mind for it, which You have given to me. I have revealed the glory of Your works to the people, who will read my elaborations, to that extent of their infinite abundance, which my narrow understanding has been able to grasp. Now, that after eighteen months ago the first morning light, three months ago the bright day, but only few days ago the full sun of a most marvellous vision has risen, nothing holds me back. Yes, I leave myself to holy mania. Jeeringly I resist the mortals with the open confession: I robbed the Egyptians of their golden vessels to furnish my God a holy hut with them, far away from the borders of Egypt. If you forgive me, I am happy. If you are angry on me, I bear it. Alright, I throw the dice and write a book for the present or posterity. It is all the same to me. It may wait for its reader a hundred years, after all, also God had waited six thousand years for the viewer.” Johannes Kepler
on his book “Weltharmonik” (principles of world harmony)
from the 16th state of consciousness on |
“To practice astronomy means
to read the thoughts of God.” Johannes Kepler
from the 15th state of consciousness on |
“The most incomprehensible part of the universe is basically the fact
that we can comprehend it.” Albert Einstein
from the 15th state of consciousness on |
“The wonderful arrangement and harmony of the cosmos
would only originate in the plan of an almighty omniscient being. This is and remains my greatest comprehension.” Isaac Newton
from the 16th state of consciousness on |
“The most important discovery
in my life is that we live in a loving universe.” Albert Einstein
The secret education method of all great philosophers, thinkers, artists and scientists |
from the 4th state of consciousness on |
“The sciences should contribute everything,
which forces the soul to turn towards where the most blissful of all being is found, which it absolutely must behold. But not that which sometimes comes into being and then decays again.” Plato
through the scientific application of the 21 states of consciousness |
“The sciences should only be taught inasmuch as
they contribute to aligning the soul with the higher existence, with the eternally true ideas. Only when they do this, they should be taught.” Plato
from the 8th state of consciousness on |
“Who wants to partake of
the revelation of universality, should grasp nothing through understanding, but should experience inside and come into a specific psychological state - provided he is capable of it.” Aristotle
from the 8th state of consciousness on |
“The deepest and most sublime feeling,
we are able of, is the experience of the mysterious and secret. From it alone germinates true science. To whom this feeling is strange, who cannot marvel anymore and loose himself in awe, in terms of the soul he is already dead. The knowledge, that the inscrutable exists, and that it reveals itself as highest truth, this knowledge and this intuitiveness are the core of all religiousness.” Albert Einstein
from the 8th state of consciousness on |
“A purely rational world view
without all mysticism is absurd.” Erwin Schrödinger
Nobel Laureate for Physics
from the 8th state of consciousness on |
“If you do not contravene understanding,
you cannot achieve anything at all.” Albert Einstein
from the 2nd state of consciousness on |
“There are neither great developments,
nor true progress on this earth, as long as still one unhappy child lives on it.” Albert Einstein
The true authentic academic basis of education of the “great ones” – and thus also of Albert Einstein: |
from the 8th state of consciousness on |
“There is an eye of the soul.
With It alone you can see the truth.” Plato
from the 8th state of consciousness on |
Once Konfucius asked one of his pupils:
“So you consider me to be someone,
who has learned a lot and knows it by heart?” And the pupil answered: “Yes, is it not like this?”
But Konfucius said: “It is not like this;
I have One to pervade everything!” Konfucius (LY 15, 2)
The cosmic library: |
from the 8th state of consciousness on |
consists of remembering information, which lives in the soul of man already since generations.” Socrates
12th RULE: Man without authentic academic education: |
The contrast: the program of old thinking and/or of the present non-authentic academic universities and academies |
within the narrow bounds of the first three states of consciousness (of 21 verifiable by science) |
“I've studied now Philosophy
And Jurisprudence, Medicine, And even, alas! Theology All through and through with ardour keen! Here now I stand, poor fool, and see I'm just as wise as formerly. Am called a Master, even Doctor too, And now I've nearly ten years through Pulled my students by their noses to and fro And up and down, across, about, And see there's nothing we can know! That all but burns my heart right out. True, I am more clever than all the vain creatures, The Doctors and Masters, Writers and Preachers; No doubts plague me, nor scruples as well. I'm not afraid of devil or hell.” Goethe, Faust
within the narrow bounds of the first three states of consciousness (of 21 verifiable by science) |
“We live in a time of perfect means
and confused goals.” Albert Einstein
from the 5th state of consciousness on |
“Scientific greatness
is essentially a question of character.” Albert Einstein
from the 7th state of consciousness on |
“Anyway, everything
we call respectability is of the same kind, namely nothing but fine pretence.” Kant
“As the University of the Future is born the professors and doctors of the conventional universities roar, the humanities and natural sciences roar in competition. Like oxen the individual sciences roar in their organized chaos. At your (the higher states of consciousness’) birth shakes the university heaven of ignorance for fear of your cosmic fire of cognition, the intellectual-emotional lethargy shakes for fear of your fury. The solid mountains of the fixed academic disciplines sway, the plains of truth sink, the waters of ignorance run away.” Peter Hübner
from the 5th state of consciousness on |
“Planning replaces coincidence by error.”
Albert Einstein
from the 5th state of consciousness on |
“Inasmuch as the theorems of mathematics concern reality,
they are not certain, and inasmuch they are certain, they do not concern reality.” Albert Einstein
Criticism on the narrow-minded mentality in the first three states of consciousness |
“Since the mathematicians
have invaded the theory of relativity, I do not understand it myself anymore.” Albert Einstein
Criticism on the narrow-minded mentality in the first three states of consciousness |
“There are true cripples when it comes to truthfulness.
These are the scholars, who on the one hand hate the intentional lie, that is to say, who do not like to lie and who also get very angry about lies of others, but who, on the other hand, tolerate calmly unintentional lies, so-called ‘white lies’. These scholars also do not become angry when they are convicted of ignorance – they then just simply pretend, after all, one could not know everything, and then role contentedly like pigs in their stupidity and ignorance.” Socrates
Criticism on the narrow-minded mentality in the first three states of consciousness |
“The bread-scholar makes a fence against all his neighbors, whom he begrudges jealously light and sun, and full of worry he guards the dilapidated barrier, which protects him only weakly against triumphing reason …
What greater does man have to give to man than truth? ... who only starts moving the powers of his mind, in order to improve his sensual condition and to satisfy a small-minded thirst for glory, such a person, when starting his academic career, will have no more important work to do, than to separate with utmost care the sciences, which he calls bread-studies, from all other studies, which only enjoy the mind as mind. All the time, which he would devote to these latter, he would believe to take away from his future profession and would never forgive himself this robbery. All his hard work he will align according to the demands, which his future master of his destiny will ask him for, and once he has made himself capable of not having to fear this authority, then he thinks to have done everything. ... his greatest care is now, to put the accumulated memory treasures on display and to definitely prevent, that they do not decrease in their value. Every expansion of his bread-science makes him concerned, for it sends him new work or turns the previous work useless; every important innovation startles him, for it breaks the old form of the teaching, which he has made a habit of so arduously, it puts him into the danger of loosing the entire work of his previous life. Who has shouted out aloud more on reformers than the crowd of bread-scholars? Who holds up more the progress of useful revolutions in the realm of knowledge, than just those? Any light lit by a lucky genius, in whatever science it may be, makes their meagerness visible; they fight with bitterness, with treachery, with despair, for while protecting their school system they fight for their whole existence at the same time. Therefore no enemy more irreconcilable, no helping colleague more jealous, no one more willing to make heretics as the bread-scholar. The lesser his knowledge awards him by itself, the greater reward he demands from outside; for the merit of those who work by hand and by mind he has only one measure, the effort. Therefore you hear no one more complaining about ingratitude than the bread-scholar; not in his mind-treasures he looks for his merit, his merit he expects from foreign recognition, from honorable positions, from supply. If he fails in this, who is more unhappy than the bread-scholar? He has lived in vain, risked in vain, worked in vain; in vain he has looked for truth, as long as truth for him does not transform itself into gold, into praise of the press, into favor of the rulers … To every merit a path to immortality is opened, to the true immortality, I mean, where the deed lives and hurries further, even if the name of its author may fall behind it. That opinion is victorious, which has to offer to the understanding the greater satisfaction and to the heart the greater bliss … Lamentable man, who with the most noble tool of all, with science and art, does not want and achieve anything higher, than the day laborer with the worst! Who in the realm of most perfect freedom carries within him the soul of a slave!” Friedrich Schiller
In the inaugural address of his historic lectures at the University of Jena
“Big and continuous work is a matter of the young.”
Socrates |
13th RULE: The age-old fundamentals of authentic academic education: |
from the 8th state of consciousness on |
“Music is the climate of my soul,
there it flowers, and does not only turn into weeds, like the thoughts of others, who call themselves composers.” Beethoven
from the 8th state of consciousness on |
“Yes, it must come from above,
that, which shall touch the heart; otherwise you only have notes, body without a mind. What is a body without a mind? Dirt or soil, isn't it? The mind shall rise from the earth, in which God's spark has been captivated for a certain time, and similar to the field, to which the farmer entrusts his delicious seed, it shall blossom and carry many crops, and, thus multiplied, strive up towards the source, from which it flowed. For only through persistent work, using the powers given to us, will the creature honor the Creator and Preserver of infinite nature.” Beethoven
from the 8th state of consciousness on |
“Just like thousands
get married out of love, and this love reveals itself not even once in these thousands, although they all pursue the craft of love, so thousands carry on with music, but do not find its revelation.” Beethoven
“At the same time, my enemies,
who are not small in number, what would they say about this!?” Beethoven |
from the 8th state of consciousness on |
“To man music has to strike fire out of his mind.”
from the 8th state of consciousness on |
“I must despise a world
which has no idea that music is a greater revelation than all wisdom and philosophy.” Beethoven
from the 15th state of consciousness on |
“Virtue can be taught.”
from the 8th state of consciousness on |
“But I know very well, that God is closer to me
in my art than to the others, I treat Him without fear, I have recognized Him each time, and I have understood Him.” Beethoven
from the 7th state of consciousness on |
“Music expresses the inner essence, the ‘as-such’ of the world
in a most general language, namely in mere tones: but it does this with greatest precision and truth. The composer reveals the innermost essence of the world and expresses the deepest wisdom. Just for this reason the effect of music is so much more mighty and vivid than the effect of the other arts: for they only talk about the shadow, but music about the essence.” Schopenhauer
from the 15th state of consciousness on |
“Music has a more powerful potential to educate
than any other educational medium, because harmony and rhythm of naturally structured music find their way into the deepest depths of the soul and unfold its natural beauty and dignity.” Socrates
from the 15th state of consciousness on |
“The archetype of harmony
is the highest subject of teaching, only by which the just and the other values become prosperous.” Plato
from the 15th state of consciousness on |
“Fostering of music -
that is the cultivation of inner harmony.” Konfucius
from the 15th state of consciousness on |
“Music gives the mind
the relation to harmony.” Beethoven
from the 16th state of consciousness on |
“Through the temple of music
we find our way into divinity. Here we experience our true resurrecting.” Goethe
from the 15th state of consciousness on |
“Do not violate the laws of harmony!”
from the 5th state of consciousness on |
“To imprint the character of being
on to the becoming - that is the highest will to power.” Nietzsche