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The Practical Fundamentals of Universal Cognition
The Fires of Cognition in Music

In mu­sic, each field of knowl­edge, each level of cog­ni­tion has its very own char­ac­ter­is­tic fires of knowl­edge which we mu­sic lovers pass by in our proc­ess of gain­ing knowl­edge in mu­sic.

The Listener’s Shining Path of Gaining Knowledge
And we enjoy their mani­fold warmth, their radi­ant light, and their mul­ti­fari­ous forms and shapes which are painted into the re­sound­ing space by the torch of the con­vey­ance of truth in mu­sic.

On the higher lev­els of mu­si­cal or­der, the fires of cog­ni­tion burn with more re­fined flame pat­terns and with a sub­tler, brighter, and more pow­er­ful radi­ance.

The Musical Order of the Fires of Cognition
In the field of the mu­si­cal sound-space, the fires of cog­ni­tion burn with the bright­ness of the pro­tons, elec­trons and neu­trons, and they appear as the fire­work of the mu­si­cal struc­tures of molecules – a pro­jec­tion of na­ture un­enli­vened.

The Fires of Cognition in the Musical Sound-Space
In the mu­si­cal motif-spaces, the fires of cog­ni­tion burn with the bright­ness that dis­tin­guishes in­di­vid­uals in their proc­ess of un­fold­ment, and we are re­minded of the beaming face of a child which is overjoyed be­cause of a spe­cial pre­sent – but also of the radi­ant look of some­one who just made a pro­found in­sight.

The Fires of Cognition in the Musical Motif-Space
In the course of the motif ac­tions, we see the light, and we see many lights; for light­ing ever new mu­si­cal fires of cog­ni­tion ac­counts for the radi­ance of the motif move­ments in mu­sic.

The Radiance of the Motif Movements in Music
The melody is the great cir­cle of those lights of cog­ni­tion which mark the enlight­en­ing stages of the in­di­vid­ual path of life.

The Great Circle of the Musical Fires of Cognition
In the clas­si­cal works of the great com­pos­ers, these fires of cog­ni­tion reach to the height of the mu­si­cal per­form­ance and into the depth of mu­si­cal un­der­stand­ing and ex­peri­ence, in the same way as sun and moon rise on their orbits and cast their light.

On the level of the mu­si­cal se­quence-space, the fires of cog­ni­tion burn with the bright­ness that in­di­vid­uals spread in the joyful com­pany of oth­ers, and we are re­minded of the eyes of lovers that shine as they be­come aware of their mutual mani­fold sym­pa­thy.

The Highest Sacrificial Fire of Music
But also, in the se­quence-spaces, we often see with the eyes of a fa­ther who fol­lows the play of his chil­dren with a shin­ing look

All the flames per­vade each other with golden effulgence – like a sin­gle flame per­vad­ing it­self in in­fi­nitely many forms – and give our wide-awake un­der­stand­ing the com­plete pic­ture of the mu­si­cal re­al­ity.

The Complete Picture of Musical Reality
And while the warm­ing, glow­ing flows of this su­preme mu­si­cal sac­ri­fice merge into each other in an in­fi­nite flow, they swing from unity in a bliss­ful sway to unity again and again, and warm the full­ness of our feel­ing in a won­der­ful, mani­fold man­ner.

The Musical Way from Unity to Unity
In the har­mony, how­ever, the com­plete mu­si­cal ex­peri­ence and the en­tire magic world of mu­sic is permeated by the al­mighty and all-cre­at­ing forces of a new, unlim­ited world be­yond space and time, a world which the mu­sic lover now spon­ta­ne­ously lo­cal­izes within him­self.

A New, Unlimited World beyond Space and Time
This ab­so­lu­te mu­si­cal world of the har­mony is held to­gether and or­gan­ized by the un­earthly breath of life – that cos­mic breath which per­me­ates all true mu­sic like a pri­mor­dial wind and which sus­tains it from within, as the soul of the art of sound.

The Cosmic Wind as the Basis of Music
And the mu­sic lover real­izes that this cos­mic breath of life is his own in­ner breath.
